Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I'm just testing to see if I can put videos on blogger easily.
Here's a video of a game we all play with baby Tommy.

While I've got your attention, here are some funny kid Quotes:

Kate: "Hilary, have you ever cut your finger nails?"

Later Justin asked his kids what they though our(Hilary's and my) kids would be like.

Lucy said, "If they are cute they will look like Hilary, if they are not cute, they'll look like Brian"

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas Everybody!

Hilary and I celebrated part of Christmas at our house on the 23rd. Later we celebrated for real in Colorado with most of our family.

I rediscovered this year that the problem with getting presents for your wife is that those are the presents your wife can't wrap for you. Each attempt just got worse.

In keeping with Christmas traditions we built towers with kapla blocks. Both Lucy and Kate got turns being "mummyized". Building a tower around Kate took every single block in the house.

Martins have had lots of cat issues in Sicily. Here is my holiday suggestion. Enjoy.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


We did thanksgiving in South Jordan. It was fun. I didn't do any homework. We did eat lots of Mommy Hart food which made Hilary happy as can be. We also did lots of drawing. My four year old nephew, Connor, loves having us draw with him. The pics below are inspired by our trip.

What you think it's like

What it's REALLY like.


What you Think it's like

Yeah Utah is cold.

Besides being cold and eating lots of food and doing lots of coloring we visited the Allens. Hyrum put on a karate demonstration that was most impressive. Like really impressive. I'm excited to play fruit ninja with him over Christmas. Meanwhile since I didn't get a video of him here's another pretty descent kung fu video although these kids are not as good as Hyrum.

Monday, December 19, 2011

I Won

So you know how every candy package says to check the wrapper cause you might win 10,000 dollars? If they were honest they would say, "you might win 10,000 dollars, but the chances are unlikely seeing as our largest prize is one dollar." Anyway I opened up some M&M's and the package said I won. I called in that they sent me this. cool huh?

My Date with Justin

Kim and Justin H. visited us shortly before she entered the MTC. We took Kim and Justin to Smashburger only partly to see if Justin really would get a blackbean burger instead of meat. We had a jolly ole time and Justin loved his blackbean thing. Afterwards we had greasy saucy fingers so while Kim and Hil watched the table, Justin and I went to go wash our hands. It was one of those bathrooms with only one toilet and a sink, so we both went in to wash our hands.

I finished washing my hands first having a lesser desire for cleanliness. As I walked away from the bathroom a man approached. Upon seeing me exit the bathroom, he logically concluded that the lavatory was now vacant and he could enter at his leisure. Imagine his surprise when he finds another male yet inside the bathroom. Why in the world would two males be sneaking together into the bathroom? I was slightly embarrassed.

So then Hil and Kim go to the girls room to wash the greasy goodness from their hands. Justin joins me at the table and I inform him why a man entered into the bathroom while he was still in there and why the man wore a surprised and disgusted expression. Justin laughed it off easily. Being a resident of the doll house he is by no means a stranger to strangers thinking he is (as they say in Spain) a butterfly. According to Justin, the doll house always has at least one, with several potentials. Anyway the point of the story is some dude thought we snuck off to the bathroom together. While we were laughing it up I tempted fate and said, "Imagine if he came out of the bathroom right now? Hil and Kim are gone so it'll look like the same two guys laughing together alone at a restaurant. He'd totally think we're on a date...... and that one of us has a purse."

Cue the man walking out of the bathroom. The look on his face confirmed my suspicions.

And that's the story of my date with Justin. But I figure if you've got to go on a date with a dude, it might as well be to Smashburger. Just don't wash your hands.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Cub Scouts

So we have been Wolf Leaders for a while. We found out today that we will probably be released. We'll keep our primary calling but no more wolves. Today was the last Sunday teaching this group of kids (we'll get new kids in January)(I mean they're not new as in brand new to the earth. Just new to us). One student summarized our teaching credentials with these words, "You weren't terrible teachers. You were hilarious."

Anyway one of the last cub scout meetings we did was have them paint frames to give to their mothers. We took pictures of them painting so that they would have something to put in the frames. We didn't really think about the background until afterwards. I'm guessing the mothers may be amused. (actions have been taken to protect the identity of children)


Fortune Cookie

Yesterday we ate at a Hawaiian restaurant. Hilary is crazy about four things.
1 Any thing Polynesian (especially New Zealand)
2 Moon phases
3 Trampolines
4 Purple

Well that's why we were eating Hawaiian food. Afterwards we got fortune cookies. This was Hilary's fortune.

Sorta defeats the purpose of "fortune cookie" when it tells us something we already know.

Mine was similarly revelatory. Something like "one person is thinking positive thoughts about you." Just one...