Monday, December 19, 2011

My Date with Justin

Kim and Justin H. visited us shortly before she entered the MTC. We took Kim and Justin to Smashburger only partly to see if Justin really would get a blackbean burger instead of meat. We had a jolly ole time and Justin loved his blackbean thing. Afterwards we had greasy saucy fingers so while Kim and Hil watched the table, Justin and I went to go wash our hands. It was one of those bathrooms with only one toilet and a sink, so we both went in to wash our hands.

I finished washing my hands first having a lesser desire for cleanliness. As I walked away from the bathroom a man approached. Upon seeing me exit the bathroom, he logically concluded that the lavatory was now vacant and he could enter at his leisure. Imagine his surprise when he finds another male yet inside the bathroom. Why in the world would two males be sneaking together into the bathroom? I was slightly embarrassed.

So then Hil and Kim go to the girls room to wash the greasy goodness from their hands. Justin joins me at the table and I inform him why a man entered into the bathroom while he was still in there and why the man wore a surprised and disgusted expression. Justin laughed it off easily. Being a resident of the doll house he is by no means a stranger to strangers thinking he is (as they say in Spain) a butterfly. According to Justin, the doll house always has at least one, with several potentials. Anyway the point of the story is some dude thought we snuck off to the bathroom together. While we were laughing it up I tempted fate and said, "Imagine if he came out of the bathroom right now? Hil and Kim are gone so it'll look like the same two guys laughing together alone at a restaurant. He'd totally think we're on a date...... and that one of us has a purse."

Cue the man walking out of the bathroom. The look on his face confirmed my suspicions.

And that's the story of my date with Justin. But I figure if you've got to go on a date with a dude, it might as well be to Smashburger. Just don't wash your hands.

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