Monday, October 8, 2012


I was introduced to the Wicked soundtrack in 2007.  That summer, Wicked came to Salt Lake City.  My friends and I tried to get tickets, but they sold out before we had a chance.  So for the past 5 years, I have listened to the music, piecing together the story... I had a pretty good idea what happened in the play, but I definitely didn't know the details.  I am so glad we finally were able to go see it!!  The cast was amazing.  We loved it!  Here are some pictures of our trip to the Smith Center.

Girls Camp

You may have noticed that it's been several months since we have posted on our blog.  This is totally my fault.  When I got home from Girls Camp, Brian decided that I needed to blog about it.  I agreed, but then kept putting it off.  The time has come! 

Girls Camp was amazing!  I camped with the second year girls.  I shared a tent with another leader in my ward, and a leader from the San Miguel ward.  We slept on cots, which was good since it rained several nights. 

 One of the leaders read Max Lucado's book, "You are Special."  The girls then got to put dots and stars on each other. 

I was in charge of the facials.  The girls had fun spreading this oatmeal mixture on each other.  

We went hiking on Wednesday.  Here are some pictures from our hike.

Here are the second year girls from my ward.  They are so great!

This year we celebrated 100 years of Girls Camp.  In honor of this anniversary, each level was given a different decade on which to base their skit. We got the 80's.  Thanks to some amazing hair spray and blue eye shadow, our girls looked pretty awesome.  Here are some of my favorite pictures from the skit.

We had a ton of fun that week!  It was also a very spiritual experience.  The theme was "Stand Up, Lead Out."  I am very impressed with the youth in our stake.  They are such good examples.  The theme song was "Where You Stand," by Jenny Phillips.  It is inspiring listening to all the young women in our stake sing this song.