Friday, August 22, 2014

Double Trouble

The girls are at a really fun age.  They both clap on demand, they love playing with each other, and they both crawl all over the place and cruise along furniture.  Their new mobility comes with the need for me to keep a closer eye on them throughout the day.  I have been able to capture a few great moments that demonstrate the fun we've been having.

 Lily loves her Sandra Boynton books.  Maybe a little too much.

 If only I could teach them to clean toilets at this age.
 Lily has climbed these three steps a few times.  I won't let her go any higher yet. 
 Speaking of climbing things... I turned my back for a second and Lily found her way on top of this box of diapers.  Even after I moved the box away from the table, she kept climbing on top of the box on all fours. 
 The girls found a box of tissues and had some fun.  You can't ever be mad at a face like that, though!

Early First Birthday Party

We were in Utah the last weekend in July for my parents' missionary farewell.  We decided to have an early birthday part for the girls since we would be near so much family.  Poor Lily was sick with a fever and cold, and Ella was starting to get sick as well.  Both girls threw up at some point during the party.  But they looked adorable, and we had fun!  Here are a few pictures from the celebration.


Thursday, July 17, 2014

Even Babies Love Fart Noises

This video does a good job demonstrating their personalities.  Sorry it is kinda long.  First minute twenty seconds are fun.  Then you can skip to the end to see Ella demonstrate her clapping skillz.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Photo Dump

It's high time I put up a lot of pictures of the girls.  All of these are pictures from my phone that Hilary has texted me while I was at work.  Some are fairly old but no complaints will be accepted.
When Mommy is ready to play.
Then Mommy says she is going to take a nap.
They love the stuffed animals David gave them:

"I don't like teething."
"I REALLY don't like teething!!"
"All better."
"What is a teething?"
 They never fight.


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

First bites

Now the girls eat like pros but the first time was not quite as successful.
