Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Ode to the Martins

Hilary-“We should do an Ode to the Martins”

Me-“You want me to compose them a poem or a ballad?”

I think Hilary meant that we should tell them thanks for how much they’ve helped us out.

Later today we are going to pay off our home. Completely Debt Free. We are very proud of ourselves for accomplishing this feat. True, our timing was great and our home was remarkably inexpensive (and has continued to go down in value), but it is still amazing we were able to pay it off in under two years. We have been very wise and frugal in our decisions and lifestyles. Hilary is particularly good at wealth accumulation. She saved up an amazing amount while teaching in Provo. She recently read most of the book The Millionaire Next Door, and found our money habits align closely with the best of wealth accumulators.

Self-aggrandizements aside, we realize that a lot of people helped us out, not least of all parents who taught us well and strategically helped us out. In addition to wonderful parents, we owe a big thanks to the Martins. We thought we’d go on a photo tour of some of the ways the Martins helped us with our home. First off all Karen, was more involved in the process of buying this place than we were. She said we were going to have to babysit for each time she signed a document for us. It didn’t happen, we only ended up watching the kids once or twice and it usually felt like they were babysitting us.

They gave us this couch. Seriously my couch is better than your couch, and I didn’t pay for mine. (Thanks Mom and Dad for fixing the couch cushion.)

The lamp was also donated by the Martins.

Our kitchen table,

This chair along with a computer chair and a bookcase.

Combined with all the furniture we got from Brad we didn’t have to buy hardly anything. (We’d do a blog thanking Brad but I’m pretty sure this blog only has about 6 readers.)

Besides all the stuff we’ve been given, the Martins also fed us numerous times, drove us to and from airports and hosted us at their house lots during our time dating, engaging, and marrying. Next week they will be graciously hosting us in Dubai. We’ve rarely done anything for them and will probably never be able to pay them back. We feel very blessed to have them as family.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Brian and Hilary Get Asked Out

Today in Primary I presented the following picture and had the kids guess what it means. They had a lot of trouble. Hopefully you can do better:

Do you get it?

We've been playing a new game with Ben called draw something. Words with friends and Pictionary had a kid, and it's name is drawsomething and it is awesome.

Night before last Hilary counted my gray hairs. I have about 15. I could tell she was counting because each hair was associated with a sharp pinch. Hilary explained that she tried to pull each one out but couldn't do so with just her fingers. So she just yanked each and every one.

Look at this sad picture:

We have had computer woes. They started when I did something stupid back in University Park apartments. I was sick with either Swine Flu or Mono. I can't remember which. The one that comes from kissing pigs.
Anyway I fell asleep with the laptop on my lap. It fell off the bed and it bent the intake charge port. Since then it has been difficult to get it to charge. The computer adapts to our charger and stops working. So we buy a new charger which works for a month or two then stops working. We've gone through many chargers. It's getting to the point that we'll probably have to just buy a new computer.

Our house smells really good. Hilary made me a salad and a whole chicken. It was so tender that when I grabbed the drumstick the bone came right out and the chicken maintained it's shape. Don't worry, I didn't eat the ENTIRE chicken.

Friday night was a progressive dinner in the ward. It was fun. We met several newer couples in the ward, who like us, have a dearth of children. Hilary remarked afterwards that it is like we are dating other couples. You know first you go up and talk to them, find out you have some stuff in common, then you casually slip in that we should do something together sometime and your heart races hoping that they say yes and you can have a new couple friend in the ward. It really did feel a lot like flirting. In any case, we got asked out.

I don't care what you say. Krispy Kreme makes the best doughnuts.

Don't judge me. I had a salad remember?

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sam's Reign of Terror

I'm Hilary and I'm awesome.

This is my husband and he's even awesomer.
But the story today is about a rapscalion named Sam who found a stick.
And decided he was going to whack everybody with said stick.
Everyone fled in terrorBut Sam chased after.
They set up a defensive perimeter
Lucy said she wouldn't go down without a fight.
She ordered Hyrum to jump down
And attack from the flank.
Sometimes he would accidentally hit teammates.
She would throw.
And duck
And throw again
But Sam was crafty.
When Lucy popped up he attacked.
Sam got her and in a poof of snow she vanished.
"hmmm. Who to take down next"
With Lucy gone we fled in terror down the hill
But Sam chased after
He took down Justin and Hyrum
Brian raced away
But none could escape his penguin speed.
Sam took down Brian
Now to get Mommy.
Uh oh, don't try to hit mommy.
I'm too good at hiding. Nobody finds me.
"I'm grown up and made a mermaid"

The End

Friday, March 2, 2012

Santa knows

Haven't blogged for a while. Not much to say, but life is good.

In primary they were teaching about making good choices even when your parents are not around to see you.
Teacher says, "Even if no one is around Heavenly Father and Jesus always know when you are making good choices"
Child raises hand, "And Santa."

Also I read an article about how computers are unlocking the key to comedy. Some computer algorithms went through every youtube video ever and determined that this one is the funniest.