Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sam's Reign of Terror

I'm Hilary and I'm awesome.

This is my husband and he's even awesomer.
But the story today is about a rapscalion named Sam who found a stick.
And decided he was going to whack everybody with said stick.
Everyone fled in terrorBut Sam chased after.
They set up a defensive perimeter
Lucy said she wouldn't go down without a fight.
She ordered Hyrum to jump down
And attack from the flank.
Sometimes he would accidentally hit teammates.
She would throw.
And duck
And throw again
But Sam was crafty.
When Lucy popped up he attacked.
Sam got her and in a poof of snow she vanished.
"hmmm. Who to take down next"
With Lucy gone we fled in terror down the hill
But Sam chased after
He took down Justin and Hyrum
Brian raced away
But none could escape his penguin speed.
Sam took down Brian
Now to get Mommy.
Uh oh, don't try to hit mommy.
I'm too good at hiding. Nobody finds me.
"I'm grown up and made a mermaid"

The End


  1. That was awesome. Cute haircut, Hilary, rivetting photography, thrilling ending. You're so funny.
