Friday, September 6, 2013


Maybe instead of a family letter I'll send some pictures.
First picture is my favorite part of the day.
It's really fun to each feed our babies side by side.  A lot of dads probably don't get the opportunity to feed their babies when they just nurse.  I really like being able to feed them and have some bonding time just the four of us.
We also change a few diapers and sometimes just hold them.  They have both latched on nursing but still get most of their food by bottle.  Hilary is able to pump enough that they are pretty much totally off formula.

This is Lily

Here is a napping Ella

This is Dad with Ella a few days ago.

This is my bed.

Like most newborns they lost some weight.  Lily fell to just under 4 and Ella fell to just under 4,7.  Yesterday I expected them to have gained a ton but they only gained a few grams.
We just got back from the nine o-clock feeding and they had gained lots today.  Lily gained 3 ounces and Ella gained two ounces so they are almost back to their birth weights.  Lily is 4,3 and Ella is 4,9.
Lily is off of her IV now.  Ella will be off it in the morning also.  They are progressing really well.  Probably have a ways to go in the NICU but things are really coming along.
Hilary is looking skinny again.  She happily weighs much less than me again and feeling more mobile.  We are still monitoring her blood pressure and massaging swollen feet.
One fun baby story was the first time I let Grandma Hart hold one of the girls.  Ella got all fussy and started crying and so she gave her back to me and Ella fell back to sleep.  That made me happy.  Not that I don't want my girls to like grandma but my whole life I've always been the one who the babies don't like and I have to return the crying baby to the parent.  It was kinda nice to have roles reversed and to be the parent.
For fun I tested my blood pressure today.  166 over 122.  Yep I'm pretty much dead.  I tested it again and I was in the normal range but that was pretty funny.
I did my first sorta interview today.  It was just a phone interview but it went really well and they liked me so I'll have a real interview in about two weeks.

Have I ever shown you where I work.  This is my cubicle.

1 comment:

  1. That is a very grown up looking cubicle. And your daughters are beautiful, and so is your wife.(I lived in pajamas for the next three months after my babies were born.) Thanks so much for posting pictures and an update!
