Sunday, January 29, 2012

Brian's Birthday

Brian has joined his wife in the 26-year-old club. Happy Birthday, Brian!! One of Brian's favorite snacks is popcorn... so for his birthday, I gave him a popcorn popper. The night before his birthday, while he was in class, I popped a bunch of popcorn and seasoned it all different ways. I think it will be a fun little machine to have. Of course, Brian still has about 38 bags of microwave popcorn left from our most recent trip to Costco. We'll see how long it takes him to go through those.

We went to PF Chang's for dinner. It was delicious! When we got home, Brian chose to watch "The Mummy." I fell asleep in the middle, which reminded Brian of our dating days, when I fell asleep during every movie we watched.

In the background you can see the 1000 piece puzzle that Brian put together almost exclusively by himself.

Brian is so wonderful, and I am lucky to be married to him! Happy birthday, Sweetie! I love you. :)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Hilary is Hard Core

Hilary is very embarrassed by this but she understands the necessity. Just start watching at about a minute twenty.

This was a long time ago. Before you were born.
March 2006 in New Zealand.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Red Rock Canyon

Look at this beautiful pancake I made for my wife. This came from pancake mix the Allens gave Hilary for Christmas. Thanks Allens, It was most delicious. If the Allens know anything then they know Hilary likes pancakes. Over Christmas Mom asked if people wanted pancakes or waffles. The Allen kids all wanted pancakes. They gave the following reasons. Hyrum and Kate wanted to know "if it really is true that Hilary can eat SOO many pancakes" Lucy wanted to try to "win Hilary" in a pancake-eating contest. Hilary is so proud.

We went hiking in Red Rock Canyon and were most surprised to find rocks that were red. Hilary was more surprised that her husband would go driving up into the mountains with the fuel gauge on "E". She thinks it means "Emergency" while I think it means "Enough gas to go another 50 miles". Fortunately we found the little town of Blue Diamond where I could fill up before driving around the canyon.

It's a funny little place. As we drove through it Hilary said she felt like we just drove into an old movie. At the gas station I had to ask a few times before the "attendant" stopped playing his guitar long enough to help me fill up. Afterwards I realized it was the gas station/sheriff's department/several other things. Similarly the library (which was the size of an outhouse) was also the bike rental/repair shop. Later the people at work told me that every time they've passed through there have been burros wandering through the streets. I bet they get sick of Vegas folk coming down to laugh.

Eventually we got to hiking and found these mysterious foot prints.

Yes indeed we see a left foot on the right and the right foot on the left. Someone was born with their feet on the wrong legs.

That's the story of our Red Rock Canyon experience.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Hilary and I were both lavished with gifts over Christmas. I subtly suspected that I didn't have to do as many dishes as usual because they couldn't ask me to do work without asking Hilary. You know, we still have to be nice to the "new" member of the family.

We sure did have fun in Colorado. We would have had fun even if we did have to do dishes but we had fun regardless. One of the many gifts that thrilled Hilary was Photoshop. She insists it has nothing to do with the fact that she can now make her husband less "gross."

Anyway she excitedly accompanied us on a sledding trip to gather photos with which to hone her skill.

Here's a great action shot of Kate



Hyrum was a snowball slinging machine.

They were all good sports when snowballs hit them on the noggin.

Tommy gets a pic even though he didn't go sledding.

One of the Christmas activities was a PUZZLE RACE!!

It was as exciting as it sounds. Two groups of people and two puzzles with the same amount of pieces. It was pretty intense.

Two days ago at work Hilary texted me. The missionaries called to say the 9 year old girl in our primary class last year wanted one of us to give the talk on the Holy Ghost at her baptism. The question was which one of us. Well Hilary gallantly volunteered. have her husband do it. So last night I spoke at the baptism. Bigger surprise was after we got there and I was feeling a little nervous the missionaries told us they wanted me to confirm her on Sunday also. Yikes. I've baptized people but this will be my first time doing a confirmation. I'm really nervous.