We went hiking in Red Rock Canyon and were most surprised to find rocks that were red. Hilary was more surprised that her husband would go driving up into the mountains with the fuel gauge on "E". She thinks it means "Emergency" while I think it means "Enough gas to go another 50 miles". Fortunately we found the little town of Blue Diamond where I could fill up before driving around the canyon.

It's a funny little place. As we drove through it Hilary said she felt like we just drove into an old movie. At the gas station I had to ask a few times before the "attendant" stopped playing his guitar long enough to help me fill up. Afterwards I realized it was the gas station/sheriff's department/several other things. Similarly the library (which was the size of an outhouse) was also the bike rental/repair shop. Later the people at work told me that every time they've passed through there have been burros wandering through the streets. I bet they get sick of Vegas folk coming down to laugh.
Eventually we got to hiking and found these mysterious foot prints.
Yes indeed we see a left foot on the right and the right foot on the left. Someone was born with their feet on the wrong legs.

That's the story of our Red Rock Canyon experience.
where are the pictures of your wife?