Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day
I wanted to give a short shout out to the awesome mothers we know.  Our mothers are awesome, our sisters are great mothers, and Hilary will be a great mother herself someday. 

I got a new appreciation for how much work Hilary does around the house on Thursday.  Hilary's birthday was Saturday so I thought I should make her a cake.  She didn't get one last year because I've never thought of making someone else a cake before.  I've never really felt like it was my responsibility.  Well Thursday was my chance to surprise her.  I took my last final that morning so I got to come home right after work, and Hilary left for Enrichment.  I bought some candles on the way home and as soon as she left I began working.  I preheated the oven, mixed the cake mix, put the cake in the oven, emptied the dishwasher, prepared a rice and chicken meal for myself while loading the dishwasher, ate my dinner, took the cake out of the oven, spent 12 minutes looking all over the kitchen for where we keep toothpicks to test whether the cake is done, end up using a match instead, take the trash out, begin washing my dishes from dinner, find toothpicks while putting stuff away, wash the pots and pans and George Foreman from my dinner the night before that I left sitting out and cleaned the rest of the kitchen, and finally I frosted the cake.  I put the candles in and lit the candles because I heard Hilary's car pulling into the garage.  I had intentions of cleaning most of the house while she was gone.  I had about three hours but I just barely managed to clean the kitchen and my back was KILLING me.  It still hurts.  I had no idea it would be so much work.  Not that I've never helped out in the kitchen before but that was way way taxing. 

Anyway long story short is I have a new appreciation for the draining experience it is taking care of a house and doing thoughtful stuff for the family.  I'm sure what I did is nothing compared to what our mothers and sisters do with houses full of kids.  So thanks for being awesome everybody.

Thanks to Mom Hart.  It's really nice having a wife who is so much more awesome than me.  Thanks to both of our moms for doing a great job raising us and the good things you taught us.   Mom, I promise you taught me to have a good work ethic despite my above complaining.  I recorded myself singing a song for both of you.

1 comment:

  1. Brian, that was really beautiful. You should get a contract with a recording studio, and come up with a really cool name, like, Il Guapo.
